Theater-Workshop: Understanding Racism

20.5. 14-15:30h

„Understanding Racism“ is the ideal introduction to the world of racism criticism and is aimed at all those who would like to deal with this topic in a self-critical manner.

You can register for the workshop here.

The workshop „Understanding Racism“ with Tahsin Mirza is about racism as a social power relation. A multifaceted understanding of the topic is created in order to establish new perspectives on it and to gain confidence in conversations about racism.

In doing so, a focus is placed on the responsibility of each individual with regard to the issue. This is the basis for developing an attitude critical of racism as well as testing a sensitive approach to the effects of racism on affected people.

Theaterworkshop: Rassismus verstehen

20.5. 14-15:30h

„Rassismus verstehen“ ist der ideale Einstieg in die rassismuskritische Welt und richtet sich an alle, die sich selbstkritisch mit diesem Thema auseinandersetzen möchten.

Hier geht’s zur Workshop-Anmeldung.

In dem Workshop „Rassismus verstehen“ mit Tahsin Mirza geht es um Rassismus als gesellschaftliches Machtverhältnis. Es wird ein vielfältiges Verständnis für den Themenbereich geschaffen, um neue Perspektiven dafür zu etablieren und Sicherheit in Gesprächen über Rassismus zu erhalten.

Hierbei wird ein Fokus auf die Verantwortung jeder Einzelperson im Hinblick auf das Thema gesetzt. Dies ist die Grundlage zur Entwicklung einer rassismuskritischen Haltung sowie der Erprobung eines sensiblen Umgangs mit den Auswirkungen von Rassismus auf betroffene Menschen.

English: Self-Conception

The festival „contre le racisme“ (English: against racism), Coraci for short, is to take place again this year. As organizers, we would like to openly communicate that our team consists mainly of white people. In a white dominated society, which is structurally permeated by discrimination, we, as the majority of people who are not affected by racism, understand it as our social task to educate ourselves in the field of anti-racism. Furthermore, we want to use our privileges to give BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) in particular more public space.

In the context of the festival, this means for us above all: offering black people and people of color a stage! We want to create a solidary space of exchange in which the perspectives of marginalized artists and initiatives are accessible to as many people as possible. At our festival we therefore focus on people who can be affected by racism, but at the same time also by other forms of discrimination. Exclusions from or devaluations within society based on origin, class, disabilities, gender/identity, sexual orientation or other characteristics that deviate from a supposed norm are often complicated, overlapping or intersecting and difficult to grasp. Therefore, it is even more important to understand them in their contexts. The intersectionality approach tries to make this complexity visible, which is why we also consider it important in our event organization. Of course, this also includes the critical reflection of one’s own positioning(s) in the team.

In our work process this year, we would like to make a special effort to incorporate the needs of non-white communities in and around Lüneburg. We consider listening to be an important anti-racist practice. At the same time, it is our self-demand to constantly actively learn and be open to unlearning. On the festival days themselves, we hope to create the framework for an exchange space where everyone feels as safe as possible to absorb new knowledge, share it, and rethink what they have already learned.

Together, at Leuphana University, we want to facilitate a political meeting of opinions and people whose focus is not on academia. Therefore, we especially strive to highlight forms of knowledge that exist outside of formal educational contexts and are often considered less valuable from a Eurocentric white perspective. Knowledge transfer does not only take place in the form of scientific texts and discussions, but also in the form of music, art and other learning formats. Thus, our goal is to provide access to important topics such as anti-racism to as many different people as possible through a diverse program offering, regardless of origin, class, disabilities, gender/identity, religion, or other characteristics that deviate from a supposed norm.

As a self-organized festival, all team members participate in Coraci on a volunteer basis and have varying degrees of experience in festival organization and anti-racism. In addition to paid work, studies and / or other activities and work, we can also participate in the creation of the Coraci only with as much capacity as our circumstances allow.

Das Coraci Festival

Auf dieser Internetseite stellen wir Euch ein Festival vor.
Es heißt „coraci“.
Das ist eine Abkürzung von einem Namen auf Französisch: festival contre le racisme.
Auf Deutsch bedeutet das: Festival gegen Rassismus.
Rassismus bedeutet, das Menschen schlecht behandelt werden, weil sie aus einem bestimmten Land kommen, eine bestimmte Hautfarbe haben oder eine bestimmte Sprache sprechen.
Hier wird Rassismus erklärt:

Das Festival findet auf dem Gelände der Universität Lüneburg statt.
Du kannst kostenlos an dem Festival teilnehmen.
Bei dem Festival arbeiten Menschen mit, ohne Geld dafür zu bekommen.
Das sind zum Beispiel Menschen, die studieren oder andere Personen aus Lüneburg.
Bei dem Festival gibt es viele verschiedene Angebote:

  • Konzerte
  • Filme
  • Vorträge
  • Workshops

    Bei allen Angebote geht es darum, was man gegen Rassismus tun kann.