Workshop: Solidarity with Jewish People in Antira Movements

20.05. 13-16Uhr

With: Riv & Nora

For BIPoCs, Migras and people working against racism and antisemitism.

You can register here

Antisemitism is a recurring theme in Germany. But the focus of this topic is the narrative of a good German reappraisal of history. All too often, topics such as Jewish poverty in Germany, the non-recognition of educational qualifications and the plurality of Jews and their perspectives fall under the table. There is a lot of talk about Jewish people, but hardly any discussion of Jewish experiences and perspectives. Riv and Nora want to change that.

In this workshop we will focus on Jewish perspectives. We will talk about antisemitism and racism, about similarities and differences, and about the exclusions that Jewish people experience in BIPoC and Migra contexts. Together we will then ask the question, what might solidarity with Jewish people in anti-racist movements look like? The workshop will consist of inputs, exercises and parts where you will engage with yourself.

Dance Workshop: Afro Styles

19.05. 15-16h

Afro Styles with: Papis Bâ

You don’t need to register for the workshop. Just come around and dance!

The dance workshop will teach Afrodance, a mix of Hip Hop Urban and African dance. The workshop will start with a warm-up, after which various dance steps will be practiced and then a choreography will be danced.

Theater-Workshop: Understanding Racism

20.5. 14-15:30h

„Understanding Racism“ is the ideal introduction to the world of racism criticism and is aimed at all those who would like to deal with this topic in a self-critical manner.

You can register for the workshop here.

The workshop „Understanding Racism“ with Tahsin Mirza is about racism as a social power relation. A multifaceted understanding of the topic is created in order to establish new perspectives on it and to gain confidence in conversations about racism.

In doing so, a focus is placed on the responsibility of each individual with regard to the issue. This is the basis for developing an attitude critical of racism as well as testing a sensitive approach to the effects of racism on affected people.

DJ Workshop with Nura

The workshop will take place on Thursday the 18.05. (at Avenir in the Katzenstraße 2), and is only for FLINTA* people. I am very happy about registrations from marginalized FLINTA*!

This workshop is full

You can register for the workshop here.

In the workshop we will mix groovy tunes for more representation on the decks. Nura will give you an introduction to Rekordbox and mixing. We network, talk about music and practice spinning our favorite tracks. Feel free to bring a USB stick with your favorite songs, which will make your booty shake and your body dance.

Workshop: How do I present myself (politically) on Instagram?

Click here for workshop registration.

Please bring your smartphone to the workshop and fill out the questionnaire ahead of time.

Vee you soon! – Vee

credits: Svenja Trierscheid

„Can I showcase my creative projects and express political issues on my account at the same time?“

I want to position myself in solidarity on Instagram but social media overwhelms me.“

If this has ever crossed your mind, the workshop „How do I present myself (politically) on Instagram?“ – a social veedia introduction – is the right place for you. In this workshop, we ask ourselves how to meet the notorious algorithm with our (low) capacities and at the same time protect ourselves from social burnout/anxiety. To do this, we’ll look at strategic ways to achieve individual social media goals. This will be followed by a look at what political authenticity and activism on social media can (not must!) look like, followed by a small Q&A session.